Your growth owes no one an explanation

In the midst of figuring out what you would assume we’d learn at school like, learning how to apply for college, or finding out that applying for financial aid is ten times harder than it should be while discovering yourself; your mind shifts. Righteously so, one goes through a period of growth. Growth is a wonderful gift, we become more aligned with our authentic selves, meet people who are more like minded, and learn a plethora of lessons. However, many times, this comes with the price of temporarily losing people around you. This is a jarring, yet typical reality. To not be understood is frustrating, especially when it involves family. Though, It is valuable to remember that everyone is on their own beaten path. Moreso, when they come from a different country and generation. Embracing the challenges you and your family have faced allow further mutual understanding. Being an immigrant or child of an immigrant comes with a lot of challenges, but also with a lot of reward that non-immigrants will never understand.

Notable to remember is that at times, you may be the person who is stuck in their ways while others around you are evolving–and sometimes, you'll be the person who is seeing further ahead. The good news is that these feelings come in waves. So, don’t be hard on yourself for not understanding others, and no need to feel alone when it seems like no one understands you. It is a natural process of evolving and you don’t owe anyone the explanation.


It’s Time to Feel Seen


June is Immigrant Heritage Month!