June is Immigrant Heritage Month!

June is Immigrant Heritage Month in the United States. Immigrant Heritage Month is an initiative put forward by the I Am An Immigrant foundation that seeks to celebrate our shared heritage as an immigrant nation and the important contributions to our economy, culture, and common identity by immigrants from all around the world.

Initially started in 2014, Immigrant Heritage Month seeks to give immigrants and refugees in our country the opportunity to explore and celebrate their background as well as create awareness of how diversity and immigration are both essential elements of our social fabric.

Thus, Immigrant Heritage Month is the perfect opportunity for you to share your story with others. Immigreatness is launching the blog portion of our organization. The Immigreatness Blog plans to share stories of immigrants in order to give insight to others on our collective experiences and to provide overall support for those who can relate. We aim to bring awareness to our immigrant experience; all the challenges, lessons learned, rewards, and so much more. As a community, it is important to let our voices be heard!

Let your voice be heard and share your story.




Your growth owes no one an explanation


Burdened Immigrant